Grab The Latest Edition Of Digestive Wellness

Strengthen the Immune System and Prevent Disease Through Healthy Digestion
- Learn to identify and treat digestive complications like IBS, GERD, gas and bloating, inflammatory bowel diseases and more.
- Step-by-step plan for making healthful changes in your lifestyle, including self-care strategies for digestive and related health problems.
- An expanded section on an elimination diet program for finding food sensitivities and promoting digestive health.
Not only is faulty digestion directly responsible for a large number of gastrointestinal disorders, it can be indirectly responsible for a vast array of seemingly unrelated illnesses including arthritis, migraines, and auto-immune diseases.
Praise for Digestive Wellness, 5th Edition…
More and more Doctors are searching for a better type of health care they can deliver. The skill-set to address an acute crisis (accidents, toxin exposures, etc), is incomplete in addressing chronic disease (cardio-vascular disease, diabetes, cancer, inflammatory bowel disease,…).
Digestive Wellness’ is destined to be the ‘Go-To Guide’ for Doctors, Nurses, and the general public hungry for the step-by-steps to heal and not just reduce symptoms. Every person with a health concern (of any type) should read this book. Your body will thank you many times over.”
Elimination Diet
One of the go-to diets when trying to reduce pain and inflammation, discover whether you have food reactions to wheat, dairy, eggs, and other foods.
Understanding Functional Medicine
Discover more about what Functional Medicine is and how it works.
The Evolution of Microbes
Learn how microbes terraformed earth.
Digestive Wellness Reference List
Here are the full references from all five editions of Digestive Wellness
Wellness Wheel Self-Assessment
This exercise will help you see opportunities for change in your life.
Food Diary
A simple form to help you track what you eat and how it affects you.